Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours during the beginning of the semester?

Extended hours will be posted on our social media and updated on the home page.

When can I charge my student account?

You can charge your student account approximately 2 weeks before classes start. Please check our social media for exact dates.

When is the last day to return for a full refund?

You have approximately 5 days to return books for a full refund, after classes start. Please check our social media for an exact date.

How do I get my books?

Order online or shop in store for your books, and they can be charged to your student account. For online orders you can choose between having them shipped, or picking them up in store.

How do I know what books I need to order?

On the “Textbooks” tab on our website, all you need to do is enter your class schedule and we will do the rest. You can view exactly what books you need, along with the prices.

What is the easiest way to order my textbooks?

If you are in the area, you can order your books online and pick them up in the store. If you are not in the area, choose the shipping option. You can also shop in store, where we offer a full service textbook process. You show us your schedule, and we pull your books for you!

What other products do you offer?

We carry a large selection of Henderson State University gear including men’s and women’s apparel, accessories, gifts, and even home decor. Our most popular items are sweatshirts, t-shirts, diploma frames, water bottles, and more. We also carry school supplies, so you can pick those up when you come in for your books and get prepared for the semester all in one place!